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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Write a formula to check if two dates are in same month? [homework]

Write a formula to check if two dates are in same month? [homework]:
Its Home work time folks. Sharpen your Excel pencils and get cracking.

Write a formula to check if two dates are same month? [homework]

Find out if 2 dates are in same month

Lets say you have 2 dates in A1, A2.
Q1. What formula tells us if both of them are in same month?
Both dates must be in same month & year!
Go ahead and post your answer in comments.

You think that was easy, try this then:

The above formula would be very easy for seasoned Excel pros. So I have 2 additional questions:
Q2. How to find out if n dates (A1:An) are in same month?
Q3. How to find if n dates (A1:An) are in a given date range – start date in B1, end date in B2?

Post your answers in comments

Go ahead and post your answers in comments. I am eager to see what creative, fun & awesome solutions you can come up with for this problem.
Click here to post your answer.
PS: Click here for more Excel home works, quizzes & challenges.

Clue: Click here for a clue. Got it?


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