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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Formula Forensics No. 010 Count How Many Times a List of Values Occurs in a Range

Formula Forensics No. 010 Count How Many Times a List of Values Occurs in a Range:
A few weeks ago Gewilson asked on the Forums, “Can I simplify my formula?
=176 – (SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”PD”,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”FA”,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”PS”,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”PN”,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”F1″,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”P1″,$B11:$AF11) +SUMIF($B10:$AF10,”F7″,$B11:$AF11))
SirJB7 responded with a nice Sumproduct solution:
=176 – SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:AF$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”;”F1″;”F7″})) *(B$11:AF$11))
So Today we will pull this apart to see what inside, I think what we find may surprise you.

SirJB7’s Formula

=176 – SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:AF$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”;”F1″;”F7″})) *(B$11:AF$11))
To Simplify things I am going to use a Truncated set of data and adjust the formula accordingly
We will examine:
=176 – SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”})) *(B$11:I$11))
This problem has a smaller Range B10:I10 instead of B10:AF10
as well as 2 less possible solutions {“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”} instead of {“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”;”F1″;”F7″}
The reason for this will soon become evident.
As usual you can download a Sample File to follow along with. Download Here.

Lets go:

=176 – SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”})) *(B$11:I$11))
We can see above that the formula is subtracting the result of a Sumproduct from a Fixed Number 176. So we really only need to focus on the Sumproduct part of the formula.
As we saw In Formula Forensics 007 – Sumproduct, Sumproduct adds up the products of the constituent arrays.
In this case
SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”;})) *(B$11:I$11))
Has only 1 constituent array. The array does consist of 2 components
SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”})) *(B$11:I$11))
These is a Logic component ((B$10:AF$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”}))
and a Numerical Component (B$11:I$11)
Which are then multiplied together.

Looking at the Logical Component first
The formula is checking the Range B10:I10 against an Array of possible solutions {“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”}
That is, it is checking each value in our list {“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”}, against each cell in the range B10:I10.
If we type the above equation=((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”})) into a spare cell C14, and press F9
What the …
If we look closely at the above array we will see that it contains a lot of True/Falses separated by ,’s and a few ;’s
Specifically there are 4 blocks of 8 True/Falses separated by ,’s, each block is separated by a ;
In Total 4 x 8 = 32 Values
What this is, is an array representing the multiplication of the 8 cells in the range B10:I10 with each element of the possible solution array
Each row of the Array is separated from the next by a ;
Each element in each row is separated by a ,
This is best displayed like:

You can see why I simplified the size of the original problem.
Which is now multiplied by the next component of the Sumproduct
In a spare cell, say C23 enter
Excel returns
Note that this array has the same 8 column x 4 Row layout as above, except that all the True have been replaced by the values in the Score cells B11:I11
Sumproduct now kicks in and adds these up
To get 20
Which is subtracted from our original number
=176 – SUMPRODUCT(((B$10:I$10)=({“PD”;”FA”;”PS”;”PN”})) *(B$11:I$11))
= 176 – Sumproduct({0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0;0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0})
= 176 – 20
= 156


You can download a copy of the above file and follow along, Download Here.

Other Posts In This Series

You can learn more about how to pull Excel Formulas apart in the following posts
Formula Forensic Series:

We Need Your Help

I have received a few more ideas since last week and these will feature in coming weeks.
I do need more ideas though and so I need your help.
If you have a neat formula that you would like to share and explain, try putting pen to paper and draft up a Post like above or;
If you have a formula that you would like explained but don’t want to write a post also send it in to Chandoo or Hui.


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