Lets have some fun this Friday.
Post your favorite Spreadsheet jokes using comments. Have a big smile.
I will start:
1. A pivot table walks in to a bar and orders a beer. It says, “Put me in the same tab, will ya?”
2. A slicer and pivot chart walk in to a bar. The bartender says, “look at those bast*rds, walking around with out a pivot!”.
3. Once Excel, Access and Windows were bragging to each other. Excel says, “I once crashed so hard, it took 5 minutes to recover”. Access says, “Oh thats nothing. I once crashed and took down an entire database. It took them 30 minutes to recover”. Windows doesn’t say anything. Excel pokes him in the arm asks “what about you?”, Windows jolts & replies, “Sorry, what did you say? I just crashed again.”
Now, your turn…
Post a spreadsheet related joke or one liner. Click here to post.PS: For some spreadsheet jokes check out Genie in a lamp, Spreadsheet Jokes, Comments in DDoE and Dilbert Spreadsheet Cartoons.
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