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Monday, January 28, 2013

Introduction to DAX Formulas & Measures for Power Pivot

Introduction to DAX Formulas & Measures for Power Pivot:
Last week, you saw an Introduction to Power Pivot for Excel. Today, lets talk about DAX formulas & measures for Power Pivot.

Definition of a measure & Introduction - Excel Power Pivot

What is a Measure?

A measure is a formula for the values area of Power Pivot table.
A measure can be implicit or explicit.
Implicit measures are created automatically when you drag and drop a field in to Power Pivot values area. For example, in last week’s introduction, we created an implicit measure for SUM of Sales by dragging and dropping the sales amount field in to values area of our power pivot table.
Explicit measures are created by you using New measure button in Power Pivot tab (or Calculated Field button in Excel 2013 Power Pivot tab). You can also create a measure in the Power Pivot window.

Measures vs. Calculated Fields

They both refer to the same thing in the context of Power Pivot. Up to Excel 2010 Power Pivot versions, Microsoft used Measure as the official term.
Starting Excel 2013, Measures became Calculated Fields.
Creating a measure - Excel 2010 vs. Excel 2013

So what is DAX then?

DAX stands for Data Analysis Expression. It is a special language we use to create measures in Power Pivot. Although it is a special language, it looks exactly like our regular Excel formulas. That means you can easily learn the DAX basics and create measures in no time.
Think of DAX as Excel Formula ++. An upgraded version of Excel formulas that can handle power pivot data and give you the calculations you want.

Lets create a measure

Step 1: Decide what the measure should do

The first step is to figure out the need for a measure. Lets say we want a measure to sum up total sales.

Step 2: Launch New Measure screen

In Excel 2010: Power Pivot Ribbon > New Measure
In Excel 2013: Power Pivot Ribbon > Calculation Field > New Calculation Field
This will open below screen (screenshot for Excel 2013 shown below. Excel 2010 looks almost similar).
Creating a new measure in Excel Power Pivot - Demo

Step 3: Give our measure a name

Lets call it Total Amount

Step 4: Write the DAX formula

The formula for summing sales is =SUM(sales[sale amount])
This formula looks exactly like an Excel formula!!!
As I mentioned before, the syntax, look & fell of DAX is just like Excel formulas. It is DAX’s power, flexibility & variety that outsmarts Excel formulas.
When you press OK, a new measure (Total Amount) will be created and attached to the Sales table in your power pivot data model. It looks like this,
Once you create a measure, it will show up in your data model like this.

Step 5: Add this measure to your Power Pivot report

Just drag and drop this measure in to values area of your pivot report. Instantly total sales amount will be calculated based on your report set up.

Why bother creating a measure for such simple thing as SUM?

I know you would be asking this. It seems like a lot of trouble to create a measure, to just show the sum of sales amount. Well, SUM & COUNT are just tip of the DAX iceberg. The power of DAX formula engine is truly phenomenal. To prove it, lets play a small game.
Imagine how much time you would take to write a regular Excel formula or setting up a regular Pivot report to answer each of these questions:
  • Count of distinct customers by region & Product category for month of May 2012
  • Sum of sales made in weekends only by customer gender & product size for Q1, 2012
  • Percentage of sales made in weekends (compared to total sales) by customer name
  • Number of customers during lunch hours (between 12noon & 1:30 PM) by week day
Now, how would you feel if I tell you that using DAX, it will take less than 5 minutes to answer all these questions. 5 minutes!!!
And the beauty is, once we have a measure that tells us sales made in weekends, we can use it in any report:
  • Sales in weekends by gender & product size – YES
  • Sales in weekends by product category & month – YES
  • Sales in weekends by year & season – YES
All without any additional work!

Oh this is so tempting, teach me how, teach me now

Don’t worry. I am not going to leave you high & dry. I made a video (30 mins) explaining below topics:
  • Introduction to DAX, measures & calculated fields
  • Implicit vs. Explicit measures
  • Creating a simple DAX measure
  • Example DAX measures & explanation:
    • Sum of sales
    • Count of distinct customers
    • Sales made in weekend
    • Percentage of sales made in weekend
Introduction to DAX measures & formulas for Excel Power Pivot

How can I learn more?

If all this sounds interesting, you would enjoy our upcoming online course on Power Pivot. If you want to know more about our class, please enter your name & email below. I will also send you 2 videos on Power Pivot.

Do you DAX? Share your tips & experiences

It took me a while to wrap my head around the way DAX formulas work. I am still learning and struggling to come up with measures for every thing. But I find them very powerful & addictive. I am now able to create powerful analysis reports & dashboards for my clients, thanks to DAX formulas and Power Pivot.
What about you? Do you play with DAX often? What is your experience like? Please share your ideas, tips & suggestions in comments.

Can you calculate vacation days in a period? [Homework]

Can you calculate vacation days in a period? [Homework]:
Its Friday, that means time for another Excel challenge for you.
This is based on yesterday’s employee vacation dashboard.

Calculate vacation days in a period:

Calculate vacation days using Excel formulas - formula challenge & homeworkYour mission, if you choose to accept it,
Step 1: Download this workbook.
Step 2: Calculate number of vacations taken in a period. Specifically,
  1. How many vacations are taken between start & end dates, assuming complete vacation should be inside the start & end date period?
  2. How many vacations are taken such that at least one day of vacation is between start & end dates?
  3. How many people took vacations? (if same person took multiple vacations, then count it as 1)
You are free to,
  • Use helper columns
  • Any formula
  • Play Mission Impossible music in background
  • Drink no more than 2 cups of coffee

How to post your answers?

Simple, just post them in comments. Include explanation of your logic too if possible. Click here to post your answers.

Need some clues?

We have them. See these links:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Designing a dashboard to track Employee vacations [case study]

Designing a dashboard to track Employee vacations [case study]:
HR managers & department heads always ask, “So what is the vacation pattern of our employees? What is our average absent rate?”
Today lets tackle that question and learn how to create a dashboard to monitor employee vacations.

What do HR Managers need? (end user needs)

There are 2 aspects tracking vacations.
  1. Data entry for vacations taken by employees
  2. Status dashboard to summarize vacation data
Based on my interaction with few HR managers, the below questions are asked most often when it comes to vacation tracking:
  • What is the absent rate of our employees (in any year or latest 3 month period)
  • What are the vacation patterns for individual employees (or teams)
  • On which dates most employees are absent?
  • Who is taking most (or least) vacation days?

A look at the completed Vacation Dashboard

Take a look at the completed dashboard (click to enlarge).
Employee Vacation Dashboard & Tracker using Excel

Constructing Employee Vacation Dashboard

The construction process can be broken in to 3 steps:
  1. Vacation tracker for entering dates & types of vacations.
  2. Calculation engine
  3. Dashboard design & formatting

Step 1: Creating a tracker for vacations

The best way to create a tracker is to use Excel tables. Set up one with 4 columns – Employee name, vacation type, start date & end date, like below:
Employee vacations tracker made using Excel tables
By using tables, we can continue to add more vacation data (or remove older data) and all our formulas continue to work seamlessly.
Additional tables required…
Apart from the main vacations table, we need below tables:
  • Employees table – to keep the names of employees
  • Vacation types table – to keep the type of vacations
  • Holidays table – with official holiday dates

Step 2: Calculation engine

There are 3 portions in our dashboard and each of them requires certain calculations.
  1. Date logic
  2. Employee view
  3. Calendar view
For all the views, the main driver is latest date, which is the maximum value of end date column in vacations table (=MAX(Vacations[End Date]))
Tip: Use Max to find latest date
Although the calculations are not very complex, explaining each of them can be very tedious. So let me summarize them with a diagram.
Anatomy of the calculation engine - Employee vacation dashboard

Important formulas used in the calculations:

The key formulas & ideas used are,

Step 3: Dashboard design & formatting

This dashboard is an excellent example of synthesis - combination of multiple Excel features to create something very simple and easy to use.

Excel features & ideas used:

There are many Excel features & ideas used in this dashboard. First take a look at the illustration below.
Excel features used in employee vacation dashboard
  1. Combo box form control to select an employee to highlight their vacations
  2. Conditional formatting & cell grid to show vacations in a gantt chart like view.
  3. Highlighting selected employee’s vacations again using conditional formatting.
  4. Calendar view created by picture links
  5. Heat map of number of people away on each date using conditional formatting (similar example).
  6. Header section with references to calculations & cell formatting.
  7. Hyperlink on a rounded rectangle shape to link to tracker sheet.

Formatting the dashboard:

The basic layout of dashboard is just 3 boxes – a big summary box on top, a large employee view box (70%) and a small calendar view box (30%).
The fonts are Calibri & Cambria default fonts in Excel 2007 or above.
I used variations of Tan color in most areas of dashboard (headers, box backgrounds, buttons etc.) and shades of pink, blue, green & gray for marking the vacations. Orange is used to highlight selected employee’s vacations.
Although there is a lot of data, I designed this dashboard with minimal clutter. It is very easy to use (there is only one input control).

Download Employee Vacation Dashboard

Click here to download the employee vacation tracker & dashboard workbook. Play with it to learn more.

How do you like this dashboard?

I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of building this dashboard. I especially loved how picture links, conditional formatting heat maps (color scales) & simple calendar logic all have blended in to create a stunning calendar view.
What about you? Do you like this dashboard? How would you have designed it? Go ahead and share your feedback, ideas & suggestions for improvements in comments. I am eager to learn from you.

Want to learn more about this dashboard?

Detialed tutorial on Employee Vacation Dashboard - Now available in Excel School
If you want to learn how this dashboard is constructed in a detailed fashion (along with 6 other dashboards & ton of material on dashboard design process) then please consider joining in our Excel School Dashboards program. Just today, I have uploaded a lesson (35 mins) on Employee Vacation dashboard to our Excel School website. You can use it and 32 hours more of video instruction to become awesome in Excel.
Click here to know more & join our Excel School program.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What is Power Pivot – an Introduction [video]

What is Power Pivot – an Introduction [video]:
Today, lets talk about Power Pivot & understand it.

What is Power Pivot?

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in to connect, analyze & visualize massive amounts of data.
Lets take a closer look at the definition.
Connect: You can use multiple tables of data & set up relationships between them using Power Pivot. For example, you can connect customer details to sales transactions so that you can summarize sales by customer location or gender easily.
Analyze: You can create simple pivot table style reports or create something exceedingly complex by defining your own calculated fields for values area of the pivot. There is a whole set of formulas defined for exactly this purpose, called as DAX formulas.
Visualize: Instantly filter your reports using slicers, time lines (Excel 2013 or above only), conditional formats, pivot charts etc. You can even define KPIs and see the performance in bands.
Massive Amounts of Data: Although your typical Excel worksheet contains a million rows, if you tried to load even half of those with any data, Excel would quickly become slow & lazy. Power Pivot can take a million rows for breakfast and would be hungry for more. It can processes millions of rows of data very quickly and easily, all from the comfort of a standard desktop or laptop.
Excel Add-in: Power Pivot is an optional free add-in that works with Excel 2010 or above. If you are running Excel 2010, you need to download and install it. Users of Excel 2013 have it easy. Power Pivot comes pre-packaged with Excel, you just need to enable it.

A brief introduction of Power Pivot

It would not be an understatement to say Power Pivot is the most awesome data analysis feature you will ever come across in Microsoft Excel. Since you would not take something short of awesome for this introduction, I recorded a 25 minute video explaining what Power Pivot really is and how it works. Watch it below:
[Watch this video on our Youtube Channel]

Looks interesting, what else can it do?

The video just scratches the surface of Power Pivot. You can do so much more by using & mixing various features of Excel & Power Pivot. Few possibilities are,
  • Define your own measures (calculated fields for power pivot reports) that can summarize data the way you want
    • Sum of sales YTD
    • Count of distinct customers per product
    • Ratio of sales made to single moms vs. single dads
    • % of products made by top 10 employees in all etc.
  • Slice and dice data anyway you want
    • Filter all reports & charts based on multiple linked slicers
    • Slice reports based on values in another (non) related table
  • Fetch data from different data sources & integrate
  • Set up Power View sheets to create rich visualizations of your data (Excel 2013 only)
    • Create maps, rich interactive charts & more
  • Integrate with Excel features to create stunning reports & dashboards
    • Combine Power Pivot outputs with Excel features like sparklines, conditional formats, charts & form controls
    • Use references to fetch pivot table values & present them in dashboards
and so much more.

How can I learn more?

If all this sounds interesting, you would enjoy our upcoming online course on Power Pivot. If you want to know more about our class, please enter your name & email below. I will update you as we make progress.
[Click here in case you are not able to see the sign-up form.]

More resources on Power Pivot:

Power Pivot is a vast & interesting area. Since this is a relatively new technology, many possible applications of it are emerging every week. For those of you starting afresh, I suggest below resources:

Do you use Power Pivot?

I first heard about Power Pivot in 2010, But I did not learn it then. Since October, last year, I have started learning and using Power Pivot and have been in love with it ever since. I think it is really powerful and capable. As I am learning new things about it, I am very eager to share them with you on this blog & thru our upcoming course.
What about you? Are you using Power Pivot? What is your experience like? Please share using comments.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top 10 Formulas for Aspiring Analysts

Top 10 Formulas for Aspiring Analysts:
Few weeks ago, someone asked me “What are the top 10 formulas?” That got me thinking.
While each of us have our own list of favorite, most frequently used formulas, there is no standard list of top 10 formulas for everyone. So, today let me attempt that.
If you want to become a data or business analyst then you must develop good understanding of Excel formulas & become fluent in them.
A good analyst should be familiar with below 10 formulas to begin with.

1. SUMIFS Formula

SUMIFS Formula is used to sum a range of values subject to various conditionsIf you listen very carefully, you can hear thousands of managers around the world screaming… “How many x we did in region A, product B, customer type C in month M?”  right now.
To answer this question without the song and dance of excessive filtering & selecting, you must learn SUMIFS formula.
This magical formula can sum up a set of values that meet several conditions.
The syntax of SUMIFS is like this:
=SUMIFS( what you want to sumup, condition column 1, condition, condition column 2, condition….)
=SUMIFS(sales, regions, “A”, products, “B”, customer types, “C”, month, “M”)
Learn more about SUMIFS formula.

2. VLOOKUP Formula

Pop quiz time ….
Which of the below things would bring world to a grinding halt?
A. Stop digging earth for more oil

B. Let US jump off the fiscal cliff or hit debt ceiling

C. Suddenly VLOOKUP formula stops working in all computers, world-wide, forever
If you answered A or B, then its high time you removed your head from sand and saw the world.
The answer is C (Well, if all coffee machines in the world unite & miraculously malfunction that would make a mayhem. But thankfully that option is not there)
VLOOKUP formula - Syntax, explanation & exampleVLOOKUP formula lets you search for a value in a table and return a corresponding value. For example you can ask What is the name of the customer with ID=C00023 or How much is the product price for product code =p0089 and VLOOKUP would give you the answers.
The syntax for VLOOKUP is simple.
=VLOOKUP(what you want to lookup, table, column from which you want the output, is your table sorted? )
=VLOOKUP(“C00023″, customers, 2, false)
Lookup customer ID C00023 in the first column of customers table and return the value from 2nd column. Assume that customers table is not sorted.
Click here to learn more about VLOOKUP Formula.
Bonus: Comprehensive guide to lookup formulas.

3. INDEX+MATCH Formulas

For every 10 people using VLOOKUP, there is someone realizing its most annoying limitation. VLOOKUP formula can only search on left most column.
That means, if a table of customers has customer ID in left column and name in right column, when using VLOOKUP, you can search for customer ID only.
You cannot ask questions like what is the customer ID of “Samuel Jackson” ?
VLOOKUP would choke and bring your Excel world to a grinding halt.
Thankfully, INDEX+MATCH formulas come to rescue. These 2 beautiful formulas help us lookup on any column and return corresponding value from any other column.
=INDEX(list of values, MATCH(what you want to lookup, lookup column, is your lookup column sorted?))
=INDEX(customer IDs, MATCH(“Samuel Jackson”, Customer names, 0) )
Click here to learn more about INDEX & MATCH formulas.

4. IF Formula

Q: What do you call a business that does not make a single decision?
A: Government!
Jokes aside, every business needs to make decisions, even governments!!! So, how do we model these decisions in Excel.
Using IF formulas of course.
For example, lets say your company decides to give 10% pay hike to all people reading & 5% hike to rest. Now, how would you express this in Excel?
Simple, we write =IF(employee reads, “10% hike”, “5% hike”)
The syntax of IF formula is simple:
=IF (condition to test, output for TRUE, output for FALSE)
Click here to learn more about IF formulas.

5. Nesting Formulas

Unfortunately, businesses do not make simple decisions. They always complicate things. I mean, have you ever read income tax rules?!? Your head starts spinning by the time you reach 2nd paragraph.
To model such complex decisions & situations, you need to nest formulas.
Nesting refers to including one formula with in another formula.
An example situation: Give 12% hike to employees who read at least 3 days a week, Give 10% hike to those who read at least once a week, for the rest give 5% hike.
Excel Formula: =IF(number of times employee reads in a week >=3, “12% hike”, IF( number of times employee reads in a week >0, “10% hike”, “5% hike”))
You see what we did above? We used IF formula inside another IF formula. This is nothing but nesting.
You can nest any formula inside another formula almost any number of times.
Nesting formulas helps us express complex business logic & rules with ease. As an analyst, you must learn the art of nesting.
Lots of nested formula examples & explanations here.

6. Basic Arithmetic Expressions

=(((123+456)*(789+987)) > ((123-456)/(789-987)))^3 & " time I saw a tiger"

If you read the above expression and not had to scratch your head once, then you are on way to become an awesome analyst.
Most people jump in to Excel formulas without first learning various basic operators & expressions. Fortunately, learning these requires very little time. Most of us have gone thru basic arithmetic & expressions in school. Here is a summary if you were caught napping in Math 101.

Operator What it does Example
+ – * / Basic arithmetic operators. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication & division 2+3, 7-2, 9*12, 108/3, 2+3*4-2
^ Power of opetator. Raises something to the power of other value. 2^3, 9^0.5, PI()^2, EXP(1)^0.5
( ) To define precedence in calculations. Anything included in paranthesis is calcuated first. (2+3)*(4+5) calcuates 2+3 first, then 4+5 and multiplies both results.
& To combine 2 text values “You are ” & “awesome” returns “You are awesome”
% To divide with 100. 2/4% will give 50 as result. Note: (2/4)% will give 0.5% as result.
: Used to specify ranges A1:B20 refers to the range from cell A1 to B20
$ To lock a reference column or row or both $A$1 refers to cell A1 all the time. $A1 refers to column A, relative row based on where you use it. For more refer to absolute vs. relative references in Excel.
[ ] Used to structurally refer to columns in table ourSales[month] refers to the month column in the ourSales table. Works only in Excel 2007 or above. Know more about Excel Tables.
@ Used to structurally refer to current row values in a table ourSales[@month] refers to current row’s month value in oursales table.
{ } To specify an inline array of values {1,2,3,4,5} – refers to a the list of values 1,2,3,4,5
< > <= >= Comparison operators. Output will always be boolean – ie TRUE or FALSE. 2>3 will be FALSE. 99<101 will be TRUE.
= <> Equality operators. Check whether 2 values are equal or not equal. Output will TRUE or FALSE 2=2, “hello”=”hello”, 4<>5 will all return TRUE.
* ? Used as wild cards in certain formulas like COUNTIF etc. COUNTIF(A1:A10, “a*”) counts the values in range A1:A10 starting with a. For more on this refer to COUNTIF & SUMIF in Excel
SPACE Intersection operator. Returns the range at intersection of 2 ranges A1:C4 B2:D5 refers to the intersection or range A1:C4 and B2:D5 and returns B2:C4. Caution: The output will be an array, so you must use it in another formula which takes arrays, like SUM, COUNT etc.

7. Text formulas

While there are more than two dozen text formulas in Excel including the mysterious BHATTEXT (which is used to convert numbers to Thai Bhats, apparently designed by Excel team so that they could order Thai take out food #), you do not need to learn all of them. By learning few very useful TEXT formulas, you can save a ton of time when cleaning data or extracting portions from mountains of text.
As an aspiring analyst, at-least acquaint your self with below formulas:
  • LEFT, RIGHT & MID – to extract portions of text from left, right & middle.
  • TRIM – to remove un-necessary spaces from beginning, middle & end of a text.
  • SUBSTITUTE – to replace portions of text with something else.
  • LEN – to calculate the length of a text
  • TEXT – to convert a value to TEXT formatting
  • FIND – to find whether something is present in a text, if so at what position
You can find several examples of all these formulas & their users in our site. Just search.


“There aren’t enough days in the weekend” – Somebody
Whether a weekend has enough days or not, as working analyst, you must cope with the working day calculations. For example, if a project takes 180 working days to complete and starts on 16th of January 2013, how would you find the end date?
Thankfully, we do not have to invent a formula for this. Excel has something exactly for this. WORKDAY formula takes a start date & working days and tells you what the end date would be.
Like wise NETWORKDAYS formula tells us how many working days are there between any 2 given dates.
NETWORKDAYS formula tells us the number of working days between a start and end date
Both these formulas accept a list of additional holidays to consider as well.
  • NETWORKDAYS: calculate the number of working days between 2 dates (assuming Saturday, Sunday weekend)
  • NETWORKDAYS.INTL: Same as NETWORKDAYS, but lets you use custom weekends [Excel 2010+ only]
  • WORKDAY: Calculate the end date from a start date & number of working days
  • WORKDAY.INTL: Same as WORKDAY, but lets you use custom weekends. [Excel 2010+ only]
More on working with Date & Time values in Excel.

9. SMALL & LARGE Formulas

Almost nobody asks about “Who was the second person to climb Mt. Everest, or walk on moon or finish 100 mtrs race the fastest?”.
And yet, all businesses ask questions like “Who is our 2nd most valuable customer?, third vendor from bottom on invoice delinquency? 4th famous coffee shop in Jamaica?”
So as analysts our job is to answer these questions with out wasting too much time. That is where SMALL, LARGE formulas come in handy.
  • SMALL: Used to find nth smallest value from a list. Use it like =SMALL(range of values, n).
  • LARGE: Used to find nth largest value from a list.
  • MIN: Gives the minimum value of a list.
  • MAX: Gives the maximum value of a list.
  • RANK: Finds the rank of a value in a list. Use it like =RANK(value, in this list, order)

10. IFERROR Formula

Errors, lousy canteen food & dysfunctional coffee machines are eternal truths of corporate life. While you can always brown bag your lunch & bring a flask of finely brewed coffee to work, there is no escaping when your VLOOKUP #N/As. Or is there?
Well, you can always use the lovely IFERROR formula to handle errors in your formulas.
IFERROR Formula - Syntax & Help
IFERROR(formula, what to do in case of error)
Use it like:
IFERROR(VLOOKUP(….), “Value not found!”)
Click here to learn more about IFERROR Formula.

3 Bonus Formulas

If you can master the above 10 formulas, you will be ahead of 80% of all Excel analysts. Here are 3 more important formulas that can come handy when doing some serious data analysis work.
  • OFFSET formula: to generate dynamic ranges from a starting point and use them elsewhere (in charts, formulas etc.).
  • SUMPRODUCT formula: Unleash the full power of Excel array processing by using SUMPRODUCT.
  • SUBTOTAL formula: Calculate totals, counts & averages etc. on a range with filters.

What formulas do you think are important for analysts?

During my days as business analyst, not a single day went by without using Excel. It was an important tool in my journey to become an awesome analyst. I cannot stress the importance of formulas like SUMIFS, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH enough. They play a vital role in analyzing data & presenting outputs.
What about you? What formulas do you think are important for analysts? Please share your ideas & tips using comments.

Want to become an Awesome Analyst? Consider our Excel School program

If you are a budding analyst or manager, adding Excel Skills can be a very valuable investment of your time. My Excel school program is designed to help people like you to learn various basic & advanced features of Excel & use them to create kick ass reports, trackers & analysis. This program has 24 hours of Excel training, 40 example workbooks & 6 month online access.
Click here to know more about Excel School.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Insert Multiple Columns at once [Quick tip]

Insert Multiple Columns at once [Quick tip]:
Here is a quick tip to start your week.
Ever wanted to insert a few columns in between like this?
Insert multiple columns in Excel using CTRL + select technique

Here is how to do it.

  1. Hold down control key.
  2. Select one column at a time
  3. Right click and choose Insert
  4. Done!
Bonus tip: You can use this to insert rows too!
More Quick tips.